October 27, 2006

Cahiers G.L.M

It's in May 1936 that Guy Lévis-Mano (1904-1980) poet, translator and book publisher began the release of notebooks in which collaborated numerous artists bound with the Surrealist pathos. This major revue is a compilation of 9 numbers (from 1936 to 1939) the seventh, dedicated to Dream, was arranged by André Breton. Each number offers original editions of poems from, among others, René Char, Paul Eluard, Henri Michaux but also translations of Frank Kafka or Lewis Carroll. Among plate illustrations, are drawings of Bellmer, Masson, Dali, Chirico and also pictures of Man Ray.

There is a second and late serie (1955), containing 6 numbers.

Currently at the librairie Loliée, the complete and rare collection of the first serie (9 vol. in-12, paper-bound, casing).

- first cahier may 1936 :
Henri Michaux, Gisèle Prassinos, Valentine Penrose, Hans Bellmer, Pierre Robin, Carrouges.
- second cahier july 1936 :
Pierre Jean Jouve, Tristan Tzara, Deux Enfants, Franz Kafka, Guy Lévis-Mano, René-Jean Clos, A. Rolland de Renéville, André Masson, René Laporte, Jean Le Louet, Pierre Courthion.
- third cahier november 1936 :
Paul Eluard, René Char, Jean Scutenaire, Man Ray, Pierre Mabille, Maurice Blanchard, Herman Grégoire, Louis Parrot, Federico Garcia-Lorca.
- fourht cahier march 1937 :
Federico Garcia Lorca, Pierre Jean Jouve, David Gascoyne, Fernad Marc, Léon Damas, Henri El Kayem, Henri Michaux, Philippe Soupault, Caresse Crosby, Thérèse Aubray, Roger Lannes, Adrien Copperie, Halina Izdebska, Serge Essenine, René Roux, Jacques Baron, Carrouges, Jean Mario Prassinos.
- fifth cahier april 1937 :
René Crevel, Gisèle Prassinos, Pablo Neruda, Alfredo Gangotena, Kurt Seligmann, Franz Kafka, Lise Deharme, Basile Sainte-Croix, Monny de Boully, Claude Sernet, Jean Le Louet.
- sixth cahier november 1937 :
Franz Kafka, Paul Eluard, Maurice Blanchard, Jacques Prévert, André Ray, Lucien Coutaud, Guy Lévis-Mano, René Char, Achille Chavée, Armel Guerne, Pierre Mabille.
- seventh cahier march 1938 :
Albert Beguin, Paracelse, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Carl-Philipp Moritz, Albrecht Dürer, Jérôme Cardan, Pouchkine, Xavier Forneret, Lucas, André Breton, Marcel Lecomte, Michel Leiris, Ferdinand Alquie, Benjamin Peret, Pierre Mabille, Paul Eluard, Guy Lévis-Mano, Gui Rosey, Maurice Blanchard, Georges Hugnet, Gisèle Prassinos, Georges Mouton, Armel Guerne, Henri Pastoureau, J.M. Belleval, Alexei Remizov.
- eighth cahier october 1938 :
Georges Roux, Georges Schéhadé, Alexei Remizov, Fernand Marc, Leonora Carrington, Jacqueline Allan, René Char, Max Bucaille.
- ninth cahier march 1939 :
Lewis Caroll, Maurice Blanchard, Joe Bousquet, Raymond Roussel, Michel Leiris, Varbanesco.

October 18, 2006

Paroles peintes, synthesis between icon and poetry

Jean Paulhan and André Pieyre de Mandiargues who were associated with the Surrealists and kept since that time a beautiful friendship, had a great impact on the edition of an extraordinary collection, composed of 5 volumes published between1962 and 1975 : Paroles Peintes. The conception is basic : putting in resonance an engraving and a poem.

A short introduction (Volume I) specifies this collective approach :
"Le couple peintre-poète ou la gravure considérée comme une traduction. La poésie veut donc être universelle. Mais la parole plonge ses racines dans le sol natal. Le peintre, lui, est libre. Ne pourrait-on pas considérer la gravure comme une sorte de traduction Une trasnmutation du poème. Le poème offert au regard, directement intelligible, antérieur à Babel."

In each volumes, famous names lent their support at this specific work. So, we can find, in volumes I, II and III , viewed as the greatests, engravings of Chagall, Zadkine, Ernst, Braque, Giacometti, Alechinsky, Miro as poems of Aragon, Arp, Mandiargues, Paz, Queneau.

The Bookshop currently offers two first editions on pur fil Johannot (200 copies). One in loose leaves with paper covers (volumes I and II), another with a binding by Creuzevault (volumes I, II et III).

Paroles Peintes I. Paris, éditions O. Lazar-Vernet, 1962, in 4°:
Aragon/Chagall - Arp/Magnelli - Birot/Zadkine - Follain/Gilioli - Guillevic/Ubac - Joyeux/Bissières - Laude/Jacobsen - Lescure/Fiorini - Liberati/Ernst - Pieyre de Mandiargues/Bona - Paulhan/Braque - de Solier/Dufour - Tapié/Lepatre - Tardieu/Vieillard.

Paroles Peintes II. Paris, éditions O. Lazar-Vernet, 1965, in 4°:
de Bayser/Vieira da Silva - Boissonnas/Giacometti - Bosquet/Serpan - Cassou/Vessereau - Clancier/Bryen - Daguet/Wogensky - Dotremont/Alechinsky - Grosjean/Deyrolle - Jouffroy/Lam - Magnelli/Arp - Oster/Sugaï - Paz/Zanartu - Queneau/Baj - G. Trakl/Wessel - Ungaretti/Fautrier.

Paroles Peintes III. Paris, éditions O. Lazar-Vernet, 1967, in 4°:
Aldan/Mothewell - Cartier-Bresson/Calder - Deguy/Perez-Roman - Gilbert-lecomte/Sima - Pyere de Mandiargues/Miro - Roche/Hundertwasser - Takemoto/Yoshihara.

October 06, 2006

Proust's "Placards"

Marcel Proust did not make corrections on first proofs of his manuscripts. He added, writing over margins, notes and entire new paragraphs bound to complete his initial vision. From this mania, sprang placards - montages on broad papers of proof's pages, between which Proust wrote his aftertoughts.

On Proust demand, a "long version" of A l'ombre des Jeunes Filles en Fleurs - edition called deluxe - was printed, duplicating the integrality of the placards issued fromt the manuscript's proofs.

The event is rare enough to be reported, one of of this placards (number 35) will be showed at Drouot for the Lettres et Manuscrits Autographes sale - wednesday, Octover 18, Drouot - room 2.
For more informations, contact Renaud-Giquello.