With this words begins the text hommage of Mac Orlan to his friend Pascin, one of the major painters of the the legendary artistic circles of Montparnasse.
Julius Mordecai Pincas, also known as Pascin, born in Bulgaria in March 1885. He suffers the tough education of his father, a rich merchant. He soon breaks away of his family and takes a new name, not wanting to hurt his father's huffiness. After studying in the art schools of Budapest and Vienna, Pascin, who is twenty years old, decides to leave in Paris. His skills in satirical drawings - he uses to work for the german review Simplicissimus - force respect and admiration. Inspired by the grotesque touch of Daumier and Toulouse-Lautrec, Pascin outlines the parisian nights, frames his drawings with conceited and lewd bourgeois, with androgynous or young prostitutes, with madams and pimps.
As a travel lover (to United-States where he goes during War

His all life, he loved two women Hermine, his wife, and Lucy, one of his models. Always seeking for compagny, Pascin gives parties which make the hapiness of his friends, goes out a lot, drinks a lot. He breaks with Hermine, can't forget Lucy, who got married after their story. Years passing by, Pascin locks himself in the part of the unrepentant rounder. The day before a new exhibition of his work, he gives a party and then locks himself in his atelier. He writes a last letter to Lucy, and commits suicide, the 2d of june 1930.
"Que les jeunes filles qui iront déposer une gerbe de lilas sur la tombe de Pascin se gardent bien de pleurer en esquissant la suprême génuflexion. Que la lumière de leur sourire se pose légèrement sur le tertre fleuri par d'autres mains. Que l'éternité de leur grâce adolescente se mêle à l'adieu quotidien de notre amitié." Thus closes out Mac Orlan's Tombeau de Pascin.
Currently, at the Librairie Loliée, you can find :
- Pascin - Mac Orlan - Tombeau de Pascin, Textes et Prétextes, 1944, in-8. Edition with 8 original engravings of Pascin.