Discovered in an egg,
the spider won't go in again.

Let the hen pond:
hen with its ripe fruits,
Hen with our gain.
Let the hen pond:
hen with its ripe fruits,
Hen with our gain.
quotes from Les Animaux et leurs hommes. Les Hommes et leurs animaux [Animals and their men. Men and their animals] by Paul Eluard, illustrated by Valentine Hugo.
Actuellement, la librairie loliée propose :
- Hugo (Valentine) - Eluard (Paul). Les Animaux et leurs hommes. Les Hommes et leurs animaux. Paris, Gallimard, s.d.[1938], in-12. New edition with 22 illustrations in black by Valentine Hugo. Limited to 1300 copies. This one with a hand-writing dedication from Valentine Hugo and Paul Eluard to the poet Philippe Dumaine.