(Source : L'Express)
Currently, the librairie Loliée offers :
- Poèmes pour un riche Amateur ou Œuvres françaises de M. Barnabooth. Précédés d'une introduction biographique. Paris, Léon Vanier, 1908, in-12, covers, full red Levant binding by Alix, case. First edition, no deluxe printings. This copy with a dedication to H. Buriol.
- Enfantines. Paris, N.R.F., 1918, small in-4, covers. First edition. One of the 70 copies reset on Lafuma paper.
- Amants, heureux amants. Paris, N.R.F., 1923, in-4, semi-industrial binding called "Revorim" by J. de Gonet. First edition. One of the 108 first copies in "in-quarto tellière" format on Lafuma Navarre vellum paper.
- Les Poésies de A. O. Barnabooth. Paris, Gallimard, 1923, in-12. First separated edition of these poems. Limited to 100 copies on Lafuma Navarre vellum paper.
- Ce Vice impuni, la lecture…. Domaine anglais. Paris, Albert Messein, collection « La Phalange », 1925, in-12, covers, red half Levant binding by P.L. Martin. First edition. Copy on vellum paper.
- Paul Valéry et la Méditerranée. Paris, Stols, 1926, booklet in-8, covers. First edition. One of the 300 first copies on Holland paper.
Correspondence :
- Larbaud (Valery) – Stols (A.A.M.). Correspondance 1925-1951. Paris, Éditions des Cendres, 1986, 2 volumes in-8, covers, publisher's case. First edition. One of the 30 first copies on Ingres Arches paper.
- Beauté, mon beau souci… Illustré de 37 gravures par Laboureur. Paris, NRF, 1920, in-8, illustrated green covers. First edition limited to 412 copies on Lafuma-Navarre paper, and illustrated with 37 original engravings by Laboureur. These copy contains an original colored pencil drawing iand a dedication to J. E. M. Manuel.
- Enfantines. Illustrés par Jeanne ROSOY, Germaine LABAYE, HALICKA, Hermine DAVID. Paris, Gallimard, 1926, 4 volumes in-8, illustrated hard covers in "chromotypographie", case. First illustrated edition with 24 original engravings by Jeanne Rosoy (volume 1), Germaine Labaye (volume 2), Halicka (volume 3) and Hermine David (volume 4). One of the 300 numbered copies on Holland paper.
- Caderno. Orné de huit pointes sèches, hors-texte, gravées par Mily Possoz. Paris, Au Sans Pareil, 1927, petit in-8, covers. First edition with 8 original engravings by Mily Possoz. Copy on vellum paper.
- Le Palais de Cristal. Montpellier, Fata Morgana, 2002, petit in-12, covers. Édition illustrated with 11 original calligraphies by Jean Cortot. Limited to 500 copies. On of the 30 first copies including a hand emphasized calligraphy by Jean Cortot, dated and signed.