Worn out by the roaring twenties that yet established her, Hermine David left Paris for a time and and developed her talent as a landscape artist, while traveling in France and Spain. In 1930, Pascin committed suicide, leaving a note to Lucy. Two years later, Hermine David receives the Legion of Honour. She never ceased to produce (painting, prints, enamels). In May 1966, she retired to the Artists Retirement Home of Nogent-sur-Marne. She died 4 years later.
Currently, la librairie Loliée offers :
- [David (Hermine)] Larbaud (Valéry). Enfantines. Illustrés par Jeanne Rosoy, Germaine Labaye, Halicka, Hermine David. Paris, Gallimard, 1926, 4 volumes in-8, binding in chromotypography, central illustrated medallions on each covers, case. First illustrated edition with 24 original engravings in text by Jeanne Rosoy (tome 1), Germaine Labay (tome 2), Halicka (tome 3) and Hermine David (tome 4). One of the 300 numbered copies on Holland paper.
- David (Hermine) - Rebell (Hugues). Les Nuits Chaudes du Cap Français. Paris, Henri Joncquières, « Les Beaux Romans », 1927, in-8, covers. Illustrated edition of this curiosa title, with 18 original and in colours etchings byHermine David. Copy on Rives paper.
- David (Hermine) - Verlaine (Paul). Romances sans paroles. Gravures à la pointe sèche de Hermine David. Paris, Pour els Bibliophiles du Palais, 1934, in-8, en leaves, illustrated covers, folder and case. Edition with de 31 original etchings, by Hermine David. Limited to 200 copies on Rives paper.