May 04, 2007

Poésie pour Pouvoir

Poet? Writer? Painter? Henri Michaux is all of this.

«J’écris pour me parcourir. Peindre, composer, écrire : me parcourir. Là est l’aventure d’être en vie.» (in Passages, 1950).

Poésie pour Pouvoir is a rare work. The original and illustrated edition was published in 46 copies on Arches paper. The page setting of the text, cycle of poetic remarks, is made by Michel Tapié, relative of the painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Dadaïst in his time, distinguished theorist and promoter of the Art Informel. The black and white graphics give to the book an elemantary dimension. The original bending in teak wood, studded on the cover, intensifies the raw strengh of this odd object. The fabrication of the bending was stopped and few copies with this original cover in teak can be found.

Currently, the Librairie Loliée can show you :

  • MICHAUX, Henri Poésie pour Pouvoir. Original Edition. Text and frontispiece by Henri Michaux. Page setting by Michel Tapié. S.l. (Paris), René Drouin, 1949, in-4. 46 copies on Arches paper, signed by Henri Michaux and Michel Tapié.