White Manifesto : spazialismo (quotes)
"we are continuing the evolution of art"
"we are continuing the evolution of art"
"The discovery of new physical forces, the mastery of matter and space gradually impose on man conditions which have never existed heretofore in history. The application of these discoveries to all the forms of life produces a modification in the nature of man."
- "We are living in the era of mechanics. Already painted and the plaster figure no longer make sense."
- "We are abandoning the use of known forms of art nd we are initiating the development of an art based on the unity of time and space. "
- "Matter, color and sound in motion are the phenomena whose simultaneous development is an integral part of the new art."
- "The new art demands the functioning of all the energies of man in creation and interpretation. The Being manifests itself integrally, with the plenitude of its vitality."

In 1966, the Apollinaire gallery in Milan republishes - translated into Italian, french, English and German - the founder text of Lucio Fontana. Printed at 2000 copies, enriched with photographic reproductions by Ugo Mulas and texts relating to the work of Fontana, the book is taking place in a period where the influence of Italian painter reaches its full dimension. The Apollinaire gallery is the cradle of New Realism, whose term itself comes from a manifesto written by Pierre Restany as part of an exhibition. Yves Klein, in 1961, sets his monochromes to the same gallery. This art movement that uses garbage, torn posters, found objects, which gives media coverage to creation can be read as an neo-dada interpretation of the new art claimed by Fontana.
- Fontana (Lucio). Manifiesto Blanco. Spazialismo. Milan, Galleria Apollinaire, 1966, in-folio, broché, case. Facsimile of the original manifesto published in 1946 in Buenos Aires and translated into Italian, French, English and allemand. Limited edition to 2000 copies and enriched with photographic reproductions by Ugo Mulas and texts relating to the work of Fontana.