April 02, 2008

Octave Uzanne : the friend of books

Octave Uzanne (1851-1931) leaves the city of Auxerre, after classical studies, to live his passion for literature in Paris. He writes for book lovers publications then builds his own reviews (Miscellanées bibliographiques, Le Livre, Le Livre moderne, L'Art et l'Idée). He publishes new pieces, of Sade and Baudelaire among others, accompanied by bio-bibliographical references to assist in the understanding of the authors.
In 1889, he takes part in the creation of a publishing company, the "League of Contemporaries bibliophiles". He frequents the circles of Art Nouveau and Symbolism and binds especially with Jean Lorrain, Barbey d'Aurevilly, Remy de Gourmont.
He also publishes personal works : novels, fantasy books, bibliographical studies. These are illustrated editions, with a limited publication, produced in collaboration with artists such as Eugène Courboin or Félicien Rops. He also contributes to various newspapers : La Dépêche de Toulouse, Le Figaro, Le Mercure de France.
In 1886, Uzanne publishes Nos Amis Les Livres, subtitled "Causeries sur la littérature et la librairie ("Talks on literature and bookshop)." This collection, made of literary and scholar "zigzags" about books, remains a benchmark for book lovers.
(source : Wikipedia.fr)

Currently, the librairie Loliée offers :

  • UZANNE (Octave). Nos Amis les livres. Causeries sur la littérature et la librairie. Paris, Charpentier, 1886, in-12, binding (Bretault). A frontispiece by H. Manesse. One of the 5 copies on Chine paper , with five conditions of the frontispiece, plus two different conditions of the cover. Personal copie of the author, with his ex-libris.
  • UZANNE (Octave). Contes de la vingtième année. Bric à Brac de L'amour - Calendrier de Vénus - Surprises du coeur. Paris, Floury, 1896, in-8. Frontispiece by Daniel Vierge and drawings in camaïeu by E. Courbouin. Limited edition to 700 copies, this one on vellum paper.