February 03, 2012

maurice Henry : a surrealist air in cartoons

Maurice Henry (1907-1984) had many skills (poet, painter, filmmaker) but the one we are interested in is those of cartoonist. He publishdd more than 25 000 cartoons. One can fell in his satirical work the influence of Surrealism, movement he joined in  1933. There, a short selection :

Currently, the librairie Loliée offers books with Maurice Henry illustrations :
  • Maurice Henri.1930-1960. Paris, Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1961, in-12 carré, jaquette. Edition originale.
  • Vive la fuite. Paris, Pierre Horay collection "cartoons", 1958, in-12, couverture illustrée. Edition originale.
  • [Henry (Mautice)] - Gatérat (Pierre). Vade-mecum du petit homme d'état. Paris, Seuil, 1952, in-12, jaquette illustrée. Edition originale ornée d'illustration en couleurs de Maurice Henry.